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Frequently Asked Questions

Step One - Apply to the College

你从皇冠365官方app收到的第一封邮件将被发送到你的个人邮箱. 所有来自CR的进一步通知将发送到您的CR学生电子邮件地址.  


Go to the Admissions page hoover over "Transcript Information", click on "Prerequisites and Evaluations", then click on blue link "Transcript Evaluation Request". 填写表格,要求对你的“其他大学”成绩单进行评估,并将其作为电子邮件附件提交到 Call the Advising Center at 707.476-4150 for further questions.

此提示通常意味着您没有达到您想要注册的课程的先决条件. 如果你觉得你收到了错误的提示,请致电咨询 & Advising Center at 707.476-4150 or email us at:

Contact for more information.


学业退学是指你完成了三个或三个以上的学期,成绩低于2分.0 grade point average. If you are on Academic Dismissal, 你需要填写一份“恢复试用状态的上诉”,可在以下网址查阅:

No. 只需要其他学院/大学的正式成绩单, unless they are requested by Financial Aid.

No. We do not need them nor do we use them in any way.

Yes. Please see an Academic Advisor to do so.

Yes! 如果您通过考试,您的EAP分数将自动导入我们的数据库. If you passed the EAP, you are eligible for:

  • English 1A AND
  • Math 5, 15, 25, 30

If for some reason, 你不能注册以上课程,你认为你已经通过了EAP, please contact Jennifer Bailey at 707.476.4267.

I only want to take one class. Do I have to send my official transcripts?
No. Although, if you would like to sign up for a class with a pre-requisite, 顾问将需要你的成绩单副本,以验证你已经完成了先决条件,并通过了C或更高的分数.

加州州立大学系统(CSU)是加州的高等教育系统,授予大多数学士学位. It is sometimes referred to as the "teaching training" institution. The CSU also grants master degrees. 加州大学(UC)是加州公立高等教育的研究体系. 加州大学授予专业和博士学位,以及学士和硕士学位. The CSU has more practical, 以职业为导向的教育方法,与加州大学提供的更理论化的方法形成对比.

任何编号在1到99之间的课程(历史8、心理学33、数学5、西班牙语99等)...) are transferable to the CSU system. However, 你必须参考CR大学目录,看看哪些课程可以转到UC系统.

Transfer Information

Generally speaking, the answer is yes. 作为高年级的转学生(在大三的时候进入大学)转到一所大学通常是最好的途径和最具成本效益的方法. For those colleges that do consider lower division transfer students, 只有符合高中毕业条件的学生(并且在他/她目前的学校成绩良好)才会被录取, and such applicants are a low priority in the admission process. 优先考虑高年级转学生,而不是第一次入学的新生或没有完成60个可转学分的学生.

Transfer Information

你需要完成至少60个单元的课程才能被大学录取. 你应该熟悉加州大学和科罗拉多州立大学系统的入学要求, and for any private colleges being considered. 与辅导员或顾问会面以确定要遵循的最佳通识教育模式是很重要的. 开始研究你所选专业的低年级准备的一个好地方是 此外,请联系大学(和项目)了解具体要求.

Transfer Information

转学所需的时间取决于每学期完成的课程数量, the level at which you start math and English courses, 转学机构的入学要求和期望的专业. Students who can attend full-time (12 or more units per semester), take summer and/or winter session courses, 直接进入数学和英语转学班的学生通常可以在两年后转学. Most students take longer than two years to meet all of the transfer, general education, and major preparation requirements.

Transfer Information

Yes. CR提供各种课程来完成通识教育模式,如IGETC (Intersegment通识教育转学课程),这是大多数专业转入加州大学校园的学生首选的通用模式, and the CSU (California State University) general education pattern. 我们还提供课程,为加州大学,科罗拉多州立大学和私立大学的专业提供准备 ? see for major articulation between CR and UC/CSU colleges.

Transfer Information

Degree applicable courses taken at other regionally accredited colleges 会被考虑作为通识教育、主修课程或选修学分来获得CR学位吗. For students planning on an eventual transfer from CR to a university, 重要的问题是要确定所期望的转学大学是否接受非cr单元. Contacting the university you plan to attend is important.

Transfer Information

If you are transferring as a junior, with 60 transferable units, your high school grades, 你可能拥有的任何大学入学考试分数都不需要. 如果你想转到私立大学或低级别学院(少于60个可转学分), 你的高中成绩和SAT/ACT考试成绩可能会被要求.

  1. 如果一个班级已经满了,并且候补名单上有可用的房间,你可以选择 Add to Waitlist in WebAdvisor when you go to register.
  2. 第一天去上课,问问教授你能不能加入这个班.
  3. If the professor allows you to add the class, they can give you the approval to add the class via WebAdvisor.  If they do this, you have 48 hours to login and add yourself into the class.  你也可以去招生帮助窗口,工作人员会把你从候补名单中移到班级.  You will not be sent an email telling you to register for the class


*候补名单课程的单元/学分不计入体育课程的单元/学分, special programs, or financial aid until you are officially added to the class.  As with all other registration changes, 这是学生的责任,以确保他们加入班级.

Contact Us

Contact Information

FAX 707-476-4416
TTY 707-476-4441

Appointments: 707-476-4150

Questions: 707-476-4135

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  2023 College of the Redwoods